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About the Dana Foundation

Our Mission

The Dana Foundation advances neuroscience that benefits society and reflects the aspirations of all people. We explore the connections between neuroscience and society’s challenges and opportunities, working to maximize the potential of the field to do good.

The Values that Drive Us

The Dana Foundation is guided by firm values that keep us grounded in an ever-changing world. These beliefs connect us to a collective purpose, inform our work, guide every decision we make, and can be seen and felt in everything we do in pursuit of our mission.

We Are Bold
Neuroscience & Society is the terrain of unexplored frontiers. We think big and seek out transformational ideas where few have ventured—experimenting, investigating, and advancing ideas that demonstrate promising pathways to a better future.
We Build Trust
Confidently exploring new frontiers in collaboration with others requires honesty, transparency, and respect. We strive to always act with integrity as we build relationships with partners and the public that advance shared goals and common interests.
We Are Collaborative
Neuroscience is too vast for any one organization to be the leader. By engaging experts across fields and inviting public participation, we add outside perspectives that help us connect the dots and co-create a better future that benefits us all.
We Lead With Empathy
Neuroscience is about the totality of what humankind thinks, feels, and experiences. Working at the intersection of neuroscience and society, we try to understand how science can best be harnessed to improve people’s lives.
We Value Diversity
From classrooms to communities, neuroscience is for everyone. We believe neuroscience has the best chance of overcoming society’s toughest challenges when it includes diverse perspectives from specialists and non-specialists in everything from teaching to research to developing new technologies. We help ensure the field is responsive and adaptable to everyone’s needs.
We Stay Grounded
We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we’re continuously in search of them. This is a calling that demands that we always act with humility, excitement about the unknown, respect for the expertise of others, and belief in continual progress.

Our Vision

Brain Science for a Better Future

The Dana Foundation expresses its commitment to neuroscience in three unique ways:

Dana Frontiers
To increase engagement with diverse publics to deepen trust and inform policy.
Dana NextGen
To develop a new generation of interdisciplinary experts who shepherd neuroscience uses for a better world.
Dana Education
To spark interest and support education around neuroscience and the many ways it interfaces with our everyday lives.

Our Grants

We advance neuroscience that inspires transformational ideas where the field intersects with education, law, policy, and public engagement, among others. With grants that support interdisciplinary, collaborative work, we foster experimentation, investigation, and fresh thinking to open up pathways toward a better future.

Inside Our Foundation

The people and resources supporting our mission.

Board of Directors

The leaders guiding our exploration and inquiry
Meet Our Board

Team Members

The people dedicated to transforming our vision into reality.
Meet Our Team

Financial Statements

The audited financial statements providing an overview of the Foundation’s finances.
Learn More

President's Perspective

Dana Foundation President Caroline Montojo explores the potential in strengthening neuroscience’s connection to society.

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