About the Dana Foundation

Our Mission
The Dana Foundation advances neuroscience that benefits society and reflects the aspirations of all people. We explore the connections between neuroscience and society’s challenges and opportunities, working to maximize the potential of the field to do good.
The Values that Drive Us
The Dana Foundation is guided by firm values that keep us grounded in an ever-changing world. These beliefs connect us to a collective purpose, inform our work, guide every decision we make, and can be seen and felt in everything we do in pursuit of our mission.
Our Vision
Brain Science for a Better Future
The Dana Foundation expresses its commitment to neuroscience in three unique ways:

Our Grants
We advance neuroscience that inspires transformational ideas where the field intersects with education, law, policy, and public engagement, among others. With grants that support interdisciplinary, collaborative work, we foster experimentation, investigation, and fresh thinking to open up pathways toward a better future.
Inside Our Foundation
The people and resources supporting our mission.
Financial Statements

President's Perspective
Dana Foundation President Caroline Montojo explores the potential in strengthening neuroscience’s connection to society.