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2023 Brain Health Survey Executive Overview

September 12, 2023

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Brain function is essential to every aspect of life, and regardless of whether our brains are healthy or we are living with a disorder, our interest in the brain and brain health seems to be growing. In fact, 3 out of the 5 current priorities for the U.S. Surgeon General relate to brain health: health worker burnout, workplace well-being, and youth mental health. Over the past several years, we have shifted from thinking about mental health primarily in terms of psychiatric disorders to thinking about brain health, a broader category that considers health as well as disease.

In line with our vision for a future in which brain science both informs and reflects society, the Dana Foundation partnered with Research!America to survey Americans about their views on brain health and how it affects their lives, as well as their views on brain health research. Our findings can help researchers and policymakers to set priorities around ensuring brain research is responsive to societal needs and is able to benefit all people. We have outlined some of the key findings and a slide deck of survey results is available.

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