Neuroethics: Mapping the Field
Who this is for:

On May 13-14, 2002 more than 150 neuroscientists, bioethicists, doctors of psychiatry and psychology, philosophers, and professors of law and public policy came together in San Francisco, California to participate in a landmark conference Neuroethics: Mapping the Field. The conference organizers define “neuroethics” as the study of the ethical, legal and social questions that arise when scientific findings about the brain are carried into medical practice, legal interpretations and health and social policy. These findings are occurring in fields such as genetics, brain imaging, disease diagnosis and prediction. Neuroethics should examine how doctors, judges and lawyers, insurance executives and policy makers as well as the public will deal with them. The seven formal sessions and the floor discussions following each session have been edited for readability. Biographical notes on the speakers are included in an appendix of this volume, as well as the members of the conference planning committee.