Lesson Plan/Activity
Optical Illusions, Grades 6-8
September 25, 2023
Who this is for:
Science Communicators

The visual system is the part of the nervous system that allows us to see the world around us. This incredible pathway converts the objects in front of us into images, and the images into electric signals that get conveyed to the visual processing areas of our brains. Without this important sense, our everyday lives would not be nearly as stimulating.
In this lesson, we will learn about the different regions of the eyeball and how they tell our brains what is in front of us. Then we can look at a few optical illusions and discuss how and why our brains like to trick our sight!
Student Objectives
- Learn about the different components of the eyeball.
- Understand how the objects you see are perceived by your brain.
- Experience and dissect how optical illusions trick your vision.
Lesson Plan
- Title: Optical Illusions
- Setting: In Classroom
- Subject: Biology – Neuroscience Grade Level: 6-8
- Time Frame: 30 Minutes
- Paired Dana Foundation Fact Sheet:
- Next Generation Science Standards: Meets MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-3, & MS-LS1-8
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