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The baby brain: Learning in leaps and bounds

September 13, 2023

Who this is for:

Ethicists and Social Scientists
Science Communicators

Learn how the baby brain changes from pregnancy to toddlerhood, and what parents, teachers and policymakers can do to ensure kids are set up for success.


  • Miriam Calderón, Chief Policy Officer, Zero to Three
  • Damien Fair, Cognitive Neuroscientist, University of Minnesota

Moderated by Emily Underwood, Science Content Producer, Knowable Magazine

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About: This event is part of an ongoing series of live events and science journalism from Knowable Magazine and Annual Reviews, a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. “The baby brain: Learning in leaps in bounds” is supported by a grant from the Dana Foundation. a private philanthropic organization dedicated to advancing neuroscience and society.


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