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Institute for Methods Innovation

Grant Information

Year Awarded
Dana Frontiers

The Foundation is supporting a project by the Institute for Methods Innovation (IMI) called Elevate Co-lab. This work will feature a Neuroscience and Society Design Sprint, a collaborative effort that will bring together key groups in the scientific, policymaking, and civic communities to implement community-driven solutions to challenges at the intersection of neurodiversity and the workplace. A community-empowering approach will be taken throughout the process, from the identification of community challenges during collaboratively planned listening sessions, to a participatory/crowdfunded budgeting approach for allocating funds to pilot the strongest solutions proposed during the Design Sprint By using an approach that leverages the unique skills and strengths of each Design Sprint participant, outcomes from these efforts will translate neuroscience research into local societal impact that amplifies the voices of neurodiverse individuals, drives meaningful change, and paves the way for a more inclusive and vibrant professional landscape. This project also features an extensive evaluation of the project’s impact and processes, with planned outputs that will share evidence-based best practices for community-engaged neuroscience.

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To ensure a positive future, we must better connect neuroscience to the needs of society. We must strive to make the field more inclusive and collaborative. By opening the field up to diverse perspectives, working in closer partnership with other disciplines, and deepening our engagement with the general public, neuroscience can contribute to the flourishing of everyone.

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