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Call for Pilot Projects in Neuroscience & Society

January 18, 2024

The Dana Foundation is excited to share a new funding opportunity. We are currently accepting letters of interest (3 pages maximum length) for pilot projects in Neuroscience & Society. Applicants may request up to $150,000 in funding for projects over a period of up to 18 months.

The Dana Foundation is leading efforts to build the emerging and critical field of neuroscience and society, which bridges the gap between research in the lab and the interdisciplinary skills needed to use it to improve people’s lives. Through our work, we strive to foster collaboration between students, neuroscience and society scholars, funders, policymakers, professionals, and communities in pursuit of advancing knowledge and co-creating neuroscience-informed solutions to complex societal problems.   

Our grants are organized around three program areas—Dana Education, Dana NextGen, and Dana Frontiers—that support education, training, and public engagement on neuroscience and society issues. Letters of interest must identify the Dana Foundation program to which you are applying and address how the proposed project aligns with that program’s goal and objectives. Visit the “Our Work” page on our website for information about the goal and objectives of each program area. Letters of interest also must indicate how the proposed project aligns with the Dana Foundation’s values.

Reviewing our funded Neuroscience & Society grants will provide good examples of the kind of work we aim to fund. Our FAQs for Grant Seekers may also be helpful to interested applicants. 

To submit a letter of interest, please visit the application page. Letters will be accepted on a rolling basis, but the application deadline is February 16 for consideration during our summer decision-making cycle. Letters will be reviewed by Dana program staff, and applicants will be notified if they are invited to submit a full proposal. Applicants invited to submit a full proposal will be notified by March 1 and then have approximately one month to complete it. 

If you would like your application considered during our fall decision-making cycle, the application deadline will be May 24.  

Questions can be directed to Celina Sooksatan, grants director at the Dana Foundation, at Additional application information can be found here.


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