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The Hastings Center

Grant Information

Year Awarded
Dana NextGen

The Hastings Center will develop “Neuroscience and Society,” a Featured Article Series of, on average, six scholarly articles or essays published in an open access format each year. “Neuroscience and Society” will enable researchers and scholars addressing ethical, legal, and social issues in neuroscience to be in sustained and dynamic conversation with each other and other publics; it provides an opportunity for neuroscience and society scholars to define the contours of the field—highlighting emerging topics worth further exploration. Additionally, “Neuroscience and Society” creates an outlet for trainees to not only learn from and engage with scholarship, but also to disseminate their work to broader audiences beyond bioethics and neuroethics spaces.

Learn More About How We Advance Brain Science for a Better Future

To ensure a positive future, we must better connect neuroscience to the needs of society. We must strive to make the field more inclusive and collaborative. By opening the field up to diverse perspectives, working in closer partnership with other disciplines, and deepening our engagement with the general public, neuroscience can contribute to the flourishing of everyone.

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